Jade Integrated Health

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Sustainable Farming, Sustaining Yourself

With a rich agricultural history like Maine’s, it shouldn’t be a surprise that lots of our own farms are leading the way when it comes to re-integrating sustainable farming techniques and moving away from the harmful model of modern agribusinesses.

Weston’s Farm and Markets is a Maine-based farm that has been sustainable since 1799! Their practices are  a reflection of how stewardship for the earth naturally translates to healthier bodies and better quality of life for the people who live off it. Weston serves as a retailer for Peppermint Fields, a farm that specializes in raising premium all-natural angus beef.

Their practices include:

  • No antibiotics in feed for livestock, only the best whole grains.
  • No steroids, or growth hormones. Animals are allowed to develop naturally.
  • No artificial ingredients.
  • Lots of room for livestock to roam and graze. Animals are pasture grown & "grain-finished."
  • Daily exercise for animals, with covered and open areas.
  • Animals are treated with care and respect.

Get Real Maine is a terrific resource for finding other Farms in Maine that follow Weston Market’s model of responsible farming. You can search by county or city, or even find the best livestock that’s nearest your zip code. You can search for a variety of livestock and fowl, including chickens, beef, hogs, goats fish/seafood. You can check the ‘certified organic’ box before you search to make sure you turn up the healthiest and freshest food options.

Eating out? Why not try one of Jade Integrated Health’s favorite restaurants, El Rayo Taqueria. They use local produce whenever possible and order over 200 pounds of sustainably raised pollock a week to make their famous fish tacos. You can check out their menu, including lots of helpful nutritional information, on their website.

Have any suggestions on delicious, sustainable, healthy food? We want to hear from you! Share your best tips on our Facebook page or Tweet us with your fresh food ideas.