When you lift your head, does a long bulge form down the middle of his abdomen? What is it? Is it dangerous? What you may be seeing is an overstretch or weakening of the connective tissue that holds the abdominal wall together. This is called an abdominal diastasis.
The abdominal wall has a role in multiple activities of daily life and sports. Proper function of the abdominal muscles help to ensure good spinal alignment and weight transfer over our trunk. Many women are familiar with this as it can occur during pregnancy, however it is also common in men. It can occur with improper training, heavy lifting, surgery, and abdominal girth changes. Sometimes, people with abdominal diastasis have no symptoms at all. Some people experiencing this issue can have lower back pain, abdominal discomfort and core weakness.
Physical therapists are experienced in the assessment and treatment for this condition and this could be a great option to help bring that connective tissue closer together. Physical therapists will evaluate the degree of separation, core strength, mobility and other key factors. Treatment usually consists of postural training, education, core strengthening and other targeted exercises, and bracing/taping.
At Jade Integrated Health, we treat many patients with abdominal diastasis. During every visit, our providers work with a patient one-on-one with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that works for them.